Yesterday, after spending time with Xochi I was able to meet with my former professor in advertising, George Coakley.
It is always inspiring to sit down with Professor Coakley. The life he has lead and is leading keeps me motivated to pursue my dreams and aspirations. He started his own advertising firm with less than $1,000 in his pocket and a family to feed and from there he had three offices in California. His company is the oldest advertising firm in San Jose and although he has retired from the profession, his passion is very much alive. He continues to practice advertising by teaching and doing consulting work.
We met at Starbucks and we discussed our current projects and what we were planning for the new year. I was able to ask his advice on several issues and share my photography with him. I brought my Hasselblad with me to photograph him and as he was looking over the camera, I caught this great smile.
It's very important to have mentors in your life because they have gone through many life experiences and asking for their input or advice is extremely valuable. I was fortunate to have met George who is not only my mentor, but my friend.
Awesome photo of an awesome professor!